
#26: Party All the Time

Episode Summary

[Download this podcast]( where Andrey sings Party All the Time by Eddie Murphy, booze, big UberDeck update, marketing, Snappy mobile app, mobile app reviews, VM's,16 terminals tiled (huh?), everything is noodles (huh?), coworking, healthcare plans, more marketing, doing marketing under your own name, Ian's idea for a new app [Party All the Time]( by Eddie Murphy [Doc's Hard Cider]( [UberDeck]( v2 - new push notifications, concierge installation service, great new pricing [Moz]( [Mochibits]( [Slideroom]( - Happy Snappy customer [PHP Townhall Podcast]( [Light Table IDE ]( [Festivus]( []( - You probably haven't heard of this site [Supportops]( [Andy Brice software consulting]( [Drip]( - email marketing via drip campaigns [Rachel Andrew's Newsletter]( - sign up at the bottom of the page [Ruben Gamaz interview]( []( [Discuss the show over on our Bootstrappers forum](

Episode Notes

Download this podcast where Andrey sings Party All the Time by Eddie Murphy, booze, big UberDeck update, marketing, Snappy mobile app, mobile app reviews, VM’s,16 terminals tiled (huh?), everything is noodles (huh?), coworking, healthcare plans, more marketing, doing marketing under your own name, Ian’s idea for a new app

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