
#30: Special Guest: Gavin Bowman

Episode Summary

Special guest Gavin Bowman of RetroDreamer talks about bootstrapping a mobile gaming company. The business of software forums come up... again, expanding a gaming shop and how creativity factors into that, Ian asks too many questions about gaming and such, Being able to be done, revenue fear, ads vs paid, platforms, Apple review controversy [Gavin Bowman]( [Retro Dreamer]( [Sneezies]( - Still a great iOS game [Ryan Evans]( - Retro Dreamers first full time hire [Velocispider]( [What Now Podcast]( [Andy Brice on]( [Oculus virtual reality headset]( [Discuss this episode]( "Discuss this episode")

Episode Notes

Special guest Gavin Bowman of RetroDreamer talks about bootstrapping a mobile gaming company. The business of software forums come up… again, expanding a gaming shop and how creativity factors into that, Ian asks too many questions about gaming and such, Being able to be done, revenue fear, ads vs paid, platforms, Apple review controversy

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